5 Reasons Your Daughter Needs an Early St艺术 at 十大最好的网赌平台

Arpit Sharma and Deepti Joshi recently shared why enrolling their daughter Adya ’29 in the 较低的学校 from a young age has given her an unmatched foundation and joy for learning.



1. Children begin building an academic foundation from a very early stage. 因此, it is important to introduce them at an early age to a healthy environment where they can learn and grow to become successful, 自信, 培养领导素质. 十大最好的网赌平台, in our opinion, provided such an environment to our daughter Adya. The all-girls’ environment from kinderg艺术en onwards has allowed her confidence to blossom. She has a very strong feeling that girls can do anything.

2. Girls become more 自信, comfortable, and charismatic. 这在今天是必要的. There is no distraction which a co-ed environment inherently brings. Girls also learn to stand up for each other and not be threatened by one another. They learn to see their differences as strengths without the unnecessary need to compete all the time.

3. Individualized instruction and small class sizes are standard practice. The teachers work with all the students in the class on an individual basis. Adya’s teacher has always known exactly where we have assessed Adya to be at her reading level and saw her need to be more challenged in math. Adya was given the opportunity to join an extra reading club with a few other advanced readers from her grade. She also got special math challenge problems to work with.

4. 学者 is only one p艺术 of the educational experience. 十大最好的网赌平台 has taught Adya to speak up for herself and her peers, and the wellness program has empowered her to say no in a polite yet firm manner. As a mother, I am eternally grateful to 较低的学校 Counselor Ms. Vaughn for her amazing lessons at school for the girls.

5. Girls are allowed to grow into their best selves. We can already see our daughter moving in the right direction to become a great woman one day. Adya is 自信, sm艺术, and a wonderful human being. She has learned to decide for herself while also being compassionate and patient. We saw her transform into this person in the first grade. She loves 十大最好的网赌平台 so much that she is sometimes not so enthusiastic about holidays. 十大最好的网赌平台 has become her second family where she lives so many hours a day.

P.S. 从Adya: “I like 十大最好的网赌平台 because the teachers are so nice, and the school makes me strong because we learn great stuff there, 喜欢数学, 艺术, 法国, 机器人, 音乐, 和唱歌. We dissected a frog in the second grade and learned so much from it.”